In the beginning...for the 3rd time

Restarting is not always easy. I love writing, and over the years I’ve had various blogs. Two, in fact: a page on blogspot before blogs were a thing, and my last website. Recently I decided to change my website and with a hasty click, much of that writing history disappeared from my screen. Fortunately I had most of it backed up; and if I think it’s worthwhile, I’ll publish some of the posts again here.

For now, I’m committing to writing for the joy of it. I hope that some of the posts will be useful to you, while at the same time being enjoyable for me to write.

If there’s one thing I know from the work I’ve done as a coach, it’s that people are more motivated when they’re doing something they enjoy. And I really enjoy writing.

So here I am, restarting again. I also know that each time we restart an activity - whether a hobby, or a passion, or a type of work - we’re not really starting from the beginning. Even if it can feel like starting from scratch, I have to remember that the me that is writing this blog post is not the same me who last wrote on my other website. I’ve grown, I’ve changed, I’ve had new ideas. I’ve not stayed still. So here’s to new beginnings, new pathways opening up, new doors being slightly nudged open. To new horizons and new adventures. To being here.
