What I got wrong about baby steps, and how there’s so much more to them

A term I often use in my coaching, as I talk to people about the change process is “baby steps”. What do you think of when you hear that term?

Many people, I’d imagine would respond, “small” or “tiny”. Like a baby’s feet!

That’s usually what I’ve meant up until now when I’ve used that term. Meaning, even if I want and am clear on a change I hope will happen, often change doesn’t happen in one dramatic fell swoop. It happens gradually, over time. By taking small steps. Baby steps! 

But it had me consider other aspects of baby steps. 

They’re wobbly, imperfect, and tentative. 

They’re resilient, brave, and adventurous. 

They’re interspersed with moments of steadiness, confidence, and elation, followed by fatigue, boredom, and sometimes reverting to crawling or sitting because of being fed up with the whole thing. 

Baby steps, at the beginning, are often supported in some way, by another encouraging person - an older sibling, parent/carer or grandparent, childcare worker. Someone who is there for the fall, encouraging and equally excited by this process of change that is unfolding.

It’s a mix of excitement and fear and delight and uncertainty all rolled up into this one process of learning to walk. 

Certainly it’s much more than tiny or small; it’s a powerful place to start from. 

Have you ever had a term that you viewed in one way, and then you realised there is more to it than what you previously understood? I’d love to hear! 

If there is a change you’d be curious to make, please get in touch to learn more about how coaching could make that easier.  I particularly love helping people find a kinder, more balanced way of living and working to feel less exhausted by the world and with an increased sense of confidence and self-belief.


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