The Self-Talk Series: Part 5, Get Your Positivity Glitter On!
Ending this Self-Talk Series on a high!
We've covered a lot this week in terms of your self-talk.
The key theme has been to notice the words you use with yourself, all that internal chat that goes on in the background of our days. Or for some of us, it’s very much in the foreground, not even the background!
We've looked at a few reframes, and today, I want to end on encouragement. Of yourself.
For all the things you’re doing in your life.
Many of us can be very good at showing appreciation for other people. Thanking, acknowledging, celebrating them. And then it’s as if we feel we run out of that positivity glitter to sprinkle on ourselves. There is more than enough positivity glitter for you too!
You can intentionally notice, appreciate, and show warmth for yourself.
It might be words of celebration: “Yeah, I did that!”
Or it might be words of compassion: “Ooh, that was hard. Well done for being brave.”
A lot of my posts this week have been about our thoughts, about our words, and I haven’t talked much about the importance of our bodies in terms of the role they play in how we feel about things. So this might be a great time to bring the body in; the “felt sense” it’s sometimes called.
You can pat your own back, squeeze your own shoulder, stroke your hand if you would benefit from a tender touch, pump your fist in the air, do a dance or a wiggle as a way to show joy.
When I say celebration, I don’t mean huge elaborate gestures. I don’t necessarily mean anything to do with other people, a gathering, a meal or anything like that. (Unless you want that, then please, go wild and make that happen for yourself!)
By celebration I mean pausing to notice your goodness, your gifts, your efforts.
In my case, as an example, I’ve written this Self-Talk series this week. I'll make sure to celebrate what I’ve done.
“Hey, Meg, good job. You’ve done something to be of service, to help people. You gave the posts a lot of thought. Nice work, honey!”
Were the posts perfect? Of course not, that wasn’t the goal.
Are there things I can do better in my writing to help make it easier for my readers? Absolutely.
Will I spend time reflecting on what that is and how I’ll adapt, develop, and evolve? Yep.
And I don’t have to do that right now.
Right now I’ll appreciate myself and make sure I’ve taken that step to acknowledge the good.
Some of us crave this from external sources: I want my manager to tell me I’ve done a good job, I want my partner to say thank you…I get it. There are ways to ask for that, and I can write some posts on that in the future if that would be helpful.
In the meantime, you can be that supportive, loving, and encouraging presence for yourself.
So that's it - I hope these posts have been helpful. I’d love to know what landed for you and anything more you’d like to know about your self-talk and ways to get your words and thoughts on your side.
Get your glitter on and have a great weekend!